Economy August 30, 2022 | 3:54 pm

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Government encourages developer participation in low-cost housing construction

Santo Domingo, DR.
The Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos Echavarría, received yesterday, at the National Palace, the visit of the Dominican Association of Builders and Housing Developers (Acoprovi).

During the meeting, Santos Echavarría highlighted the importance of developers for constructing low-cost housing, especially those aimed at beneficiaries of the National Plan of Happy Family Housing.

“It is important to continue encouraging the participation of developers and promoters in the construction of low-cost housing, due to the importance that the development of this type of housing has for the Dominican Republic,” he said.

The National Happy Family Housing Plan is implemented through a public-private alliance in which, in addition to State institutions and developers, builders of low-cost housing solutions participate.

The official indicated that the State provides the general infrastructure guidelines for the project, and the developers carry out the internal construction.

The meeting was attended by the president of Acoprovi, Jorge Montalvo; the second vice-president, Annerys Meléndez; the director, Santiago Colomé; and the executive vice-president, Evelyn Rodríguez.

Minister Santos Echavarría was accompanied by the Vice-Minister of Investment Projects, Camel Curi.

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August 31, 2022 9:27 am

Hope these builders are not translating building low cost housing into low quality construction!

Paul Tierney
September 1, 2022 8:58 am
Reply to  Brien

Don’t think there will be many developers participating. Don’t expect them to take a hit on their own pockets. If they sign on they will most certainly will use construction shortcuts to save on costs. Yet, there will be no shortcuts for putting cash into their pockets. Shortcuts equal less quality.