Local December 11, 2013 | 7:36 am

Convict in Dominican Republic’s biggest money laundering case denied parole

Santo Domingo.- A National District court on Tuesdayruled against money laundering convict Sobeida Felix’s challenge to force prosecutorsto comply with the plea bargaining agreement and not oppose her release on parole."

After deliberating for around two hours, 8th CriminalChamber judge Teofilo Andujar ruled against Felix’s appeal on "extremeurgency," noting that hearing the inmate’s allegations would be an intrusionon the State’s criminal policy and that the challenge applies only when there’sa violation of a fundamental right.

"This leaves it quite clear that agreements cannotbe made in this country," Felix said at the end of the hearing.

Félix, together with her paramour, Puerto Rican kingpinJose Figueroa Agosto, is at the center of the country’s biggest moneylaundering case.

Case file ‘shelved’

"I made an agreement, I didn’t defend myself, turnedin my goods as we agreed, and testified against those who were there,” she toldthe judge.

She said she was interrogated twice after being convictedto five years as part of the agreement. "I came to Yeni Berenice (Reynoso,National District prosecutor) and gave her all the information, which they shelvedbecause they didn’t proceed in any other case, they did nothing. Those are notmy problems."

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