Local February 21, 2013 | 10:27 am

“I’m fed up” with the government’s handling of beach environment

Santo Domingo.- The grassroots civic movement TOY Jarto (I’m fed up) on Wednesday stated its concerned with the Dominican government’s handling of the environment of the lands next to Bahia de las Aguilas and Jaragua National Park.

"We understand that tourism is the fastest dynamic formula Southwest, but there are ways to build hotels and second home complete without affecting the environmental heritage of the Jaragua National Park," Movement president Elizabeth Mateo said in a statement.

For his part, “TOY Harto, but I believe in my country” coordinator Alvaro Caamaño calls Bahía de las Aguilas the property of all Dominicans, for which “all of us have the right to protect it indefinitely.”

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