Local March 1, 2023 | 5:00 pm

Director of Indrhi assures that despite the drought, drinking water is guaranteed in the Dominican Republic

The director of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi), Olmedo Caba, guaranteed this Wednesday that despite the drought that the Dominican Republic is experiencing due to the lack of significant rainfall, drinking water is guaranteed. During an interview in El Gobierno de la Mañana, the official indicated that the entity he directs has taken all the corrective measures in place for the proper management of the reservoirs, due to the fact that the inflows of water are below the outflows.

“We already have the established protocol, because it is not the first time, this has happened before. But since we took office, we have reviewed all those protocols and we have strengthened them. In this way, we guarantee that we could say here that drinking water is guaranteed”, he affirmed. Olmedo Caba stated that Indrhi has installed hundreds of compounds in the irrigation systems, in order to optimize the distribution of the liquid.

He affirmed that the institution is taking the necessary precautionary measures to guarantee the supply of drinking water in the first order, as indicated in the Constitution of the Republic.

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March 2, 2023 7:08 am

How can anyone so be so brazen as to say this. At present there are hundreds of barrios and districts that have had no water for weeks. There is no potable water in the entire island. No wonder so many intestinal viruses are floating around.