Local April 17, 2023 | 10:34 am

Government launches renovation of Cruz de Manzanillo Project after 17 years of abandonment

After 17 years of total abandonment, the Dominican government reported that it has launched the renovation of the conditioning and land preparation works of the Cruz de Manzanillo Project, in the productive Montecristi province, in the northwest of the country. The reactivation consists of the intervention of the lands corresponding to the important project, which for a little less than a decade were left to chance. Thus, the farms that have been lost and turned into saplings and weeds are in the process of being cleared, with plowing and preparation for planting, with the goal being 18,000 tasks.

Fredy Fernández, head of the cabinet of the Ministry of Agriculture, led a tour that was carried out through the different farms contemplated in the Cruz de Manzanillo Project, together with national and regional authorities, being able to verify the work of conditioning the land, where there are almost 4 thousand tasks disassembled.

Fernández said that, in addition to the accompaniment and supervision that the authorities and technicians carry out every third Thursday, pumps are being purchased to update the irrigation system, and there is the availability of bulldozers, clays, tractors, sowing machines, and all kinds of seeds and fertilizers, to ensure that the project recovers, in record time, what it was, the great free zone not only of Montecristi but of the entire northwest line.

“By order of President Luis Abinader, an investment of 15 million pesos has just arrived to pay an outstanding debt, and there are resources available, managed with transparency. Currently, there is an extra contribution of 2 million pesos per month for the purchase of fertilizers; which increases the subsidy of each month to 8 million pesos; but only in this month of April the government has invested 23 million in the project”, he maintained.

The planting of different items has already begun, and the planting of corn is going to continue, to counteract the international deficit of soybeans and grain, whose sale to poultry farmers is guaranteed. Something that has never been done, and that today will be a reality, is the submission of a special bill for the pension of 91 people who have given their lives to the Cruz de Manzanillo project so that they can end their days in a dignified, Fredy Fernández concluded by saying during the tour.

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