Local August 7, 2023 | 11:05 am

“We are going to get together to get Luis Abinader out”, Contreras favors opposition unit

Santo Domingo.- PLD leader Domingo Contreras expressed his support for creating an opposition front to confront next year’s electoral challenge in the Dominican Republic. He believes that coalitions have been successful in winning elections worldwide, while governments that focus on favoring business groups have been voted out of power. Contreras mentioned cases like Mauricio Macri in Argentina and Guillermo Lasso in Ecuador and predicted that the same fate might await President Luis Abinader due to the global trend of people seeking to recover from the social losses caused by COVID-19 and conflicts.

Contreras emphasized the need for opposition parties to unite, as coalitions have played a crucial role in securing power, including the current government led by Abinader. He mentioned efforts to select a unitary candidate for the city of Santo Domingo, indicating that there are two commissions working towards that goal.

The PLD leader pointed out various issues that he believes favor an opposition victory, including persistent blackouts, failures in education, and the need for democratic alternation. He criticized the current government’s management and the decline of social programs that affected literacy rates and other services.

Regarding the management of the capital city, Contreras highlighted the need for a tree planting plan to combat rising temperatures and improve air quality. He stressed the importance of addressing environmental issues for better quality of life and proposed installing satellite stations to monitor air pollution. Contreras also advocated for a city plan for Santo Domingo to organize various aspects such as transit, urbanization, and recycling, aiming to reduce plastic waste in the city.

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August 7, 2023 11:35 am

The truth is that local Governments can do very little because they receive only 4% of the budget , the Central Government has tight control over the money . All that local Governments can do is to concentrate on very small projects or obtain funds from other sources . Unfortunately often money from other sources is used in a corrupt way as has been seen in Zona Colonial.

Paul Tierney
August 7, 2023 1:31 pm

The PLD leader pointed out.. is a laugh. The pot calling the pan black. He is pointing at the images of PLD’s behaviors under the Lionel and Danilo administrations.

Politics !!!!

August 7, 2023 8:25 pm

te prometo te prometo hasta que te lo …..usa su imaginación …

Luis Grullon
August 8, 2023 8:47 am

What a good laugh, good luck with that