Local January 2, 2014 | 9:11 am

Leading preacher: Drug trafficking has left justice ‘blind, deaf, mute’

Santo Domingo.- Leading evangelist Ezequiel Molina on Wednesdayaffirmed that drug trafficking and narcotics consumption have penetrated allwalks of social life and has left justice "blind, deaf, mute and disabled."

Speaking before thousands of Christians in the Olympic Stadiumto spearhead the National Evangelical Gathering, Molina also called the lack ofauthority to deal with criminals one of the country’s major problems.

The preacher, speaking as part of the yearly Battle of FaithMinistry, said the number of police officers, soldiers and judges -sometimes fromcorruption and others by intimidation- in open connivance with the underworld andcrime, brings him to tears.

"We cry from helplessness from the well known narcoticstrafficking business, as well as consumption that have penetrated all walks ofsocial life and government such as Congress, business, sports, politicalparties; and has left justice blind, deaf, dumb, and disabled," he said.

Declines specifics

When reporters tried to get Molina to name names, theProtestant leader declined providing specifics on his denunciation.

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