World August 16, 2024 | 5:17 pm

OAS approves resolution urging release of Venezuela’s electoral records

Washington.- The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) unanimously approved a resolution urging Venezuelan authorities to swiftly release the minutes of the July 28 elections. The resolution, introduced by the United States and supported by 11 other nations, including Argentina, Canada, and the Dominican Republic, calls on Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) to publish the detailed election results from each polling station. The resolution emphasizes the need for transparency and the preservation of popular sovereignty through an impartial review of the election outcomes.

The OAS’s stance echoes the demands of the European Union and 22 other countries, which have also called for the immediate publication and independent verification of the election results. According to the CNE, President Nicolás Maduro won the election against opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

The resolution also stresses the importance of safeguarding all election-related equipment and documents to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. Additionally, it calls for the protection of diplomatic facilities and personnel in Venezuela, including those seeking asylum.

Source: EFE

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Platano Frito
August 16, 2024 7:54 pm

Get in bed with the IMF or uncle sam will get pouty, how dare try to move away from the petrol dollar

Paul Tierney
August 18, 2024 12:09 pm

This resolution will go nowhere. It is hot air and paper. There is no way to enforce it. Venezuela = Maduro will ignore it.