Local February 23, 2016 | 10:06 am

Medina downplays Brazilian adviser scandal; ‘there are others’

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Tuesday called BrazilianJoao Santana, his marketing strategist until a few days ago, his most importantadviser, "but the campaign must continue," because “there are others.”

Asked by reporters in the National Palace, the president saidthe publicist, sought on an arrest warrant for alleged corruption in Brazil,contacted him after learning of his situation to announce his resignation as Medina’sadviser and his decision to leave the country.

"Well, what has already been explained through theNational Campaign Committee, is that Mr. Joao Santana has been on the team ofadvisers in my campaign as the principal advisor, because there are several, heis affected by an allegation made at home and he spontaneously told me he hadto go to face the situation in Brazil and withdrew from the campaign," saidthe head of state.

However, Medina said “there are other advisers” and won’thalt his reelection bid.

When asked whether Santana’s exit would affect hiscampaign, Medina said he didn’t know and called him very important.

If it can affect me? Well, he’s an important advisor of mycampaign, but the campaign will continue. There are more (advisers)."

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