Country´s location good for trade Dominican official tells russians
Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic Foreign ministerMiguel Vargas on Wednesday told Russian Federation officials that his country’sstrategic geographic location spurs trade with nations in North, Central, southAmerican continent, as well as with the Caribbean.
Vargas also emphasized the importance toforeign investors of the various free trade agreements signed by the countrywith the United States, the European Union, the Central and South Americannations, which guarantees about one billion consumers to investors operating inthe Dominican territory.
A statement issued by the Dominican ForeignMinistry indicates that the official offered extensive details of thedevelopment of tourism in the country, based on the safety of visitors, thenatural attractions of its beaches and mountains and hotel facilities.
Vargas was invited by his hosts toparticipate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 (SPIEF), inJune next year.