Industries rebuff truckers’ strike threat as fee flap rages

C. Almanzar. File
Santo Domingo.- The industrialists on Fri. rebuffed the warning by the truckers union (Fenatrado) to halt cargo transport unless the Govt. and private sector heed their call for talks to solve the alleged impact from fuel prices.
“It seems to me an outrage that they are threatening when they know very well that they cannot set rated, we are not going to meet with threats, we are willing to collaborate with Fenatrado, and we even had a meeting these days to start cooperating with several measures presented in the activity with Competitiveness last week, but with this type of announcement, relations are weakened,” said Dominican Republic Industry Association (AIRD) executive vice president Circe Almanzar.
She called on Fenatrado to continue working to make the transport sector more efficient within the law. She said freight transport is already “well above what it should be.”
For Herrera and Santo Domingo Province Industrial Companies Association (AEIH) president Antonio Taveras, Fenatrado’s current services arenot competitive.
“They (truckers) have a monopoly where only they can provide the service, they set the rate and the price they want and that cannot be…, we’re going to establish that other companies can go offer transport and the customer can use the one that offers the best quality of service and has the best prices.”