Dominican Immigration to issue day passes to Haitians

Santo Domingo.- The card that will be issued to Haitians who enter the country, as “border inhabitant” whose plan was suspended yesterday by the Directorate of Migration, will be valid for one year, although it can be extended or terminated its effects at any time, based on the Immigration Law.
This is provided for by resolution 09-2021, issued by Immigration on October 6,2021, through which it created a pilot plan to implement the “border inhabitant” card for Pedernales province
The Dominican Republic as always doing more for the Haitians than their own failed Goverment, we are the only country on earth allowing illegal alien passing through our border without a valid passport, But Haitians will still say we are racist
The gov’t with this crazy track record of issue-rescind-issue could be expected to suspend the cards again????
They are trying to fill DR with foreigners at the speed of light without the consent of the Dominican people. Why is the government doing this? Given the history and the mess going on in the country next door, why let them in? What is it that the Dominican are lacking that the neighbor provides?
What is it that the Dominican are lacking that the neighbor provides?
The ability to work in the sun and not complain about working in the sun. The ability to work in the hot sun all day and not have your wife say ‘estas volviendo mas negro mi amor.’ Color of skin in the DR is a big issue. Huge. Dominican people who are too brown feel that they have failed their families, country, and Duarte in some way. They failed to ‘mejorar’ their race. I’m not picking a fight, just stating what I’ve heard from Dominicans themselves. That’s my source of information.