Economy September 7, 2022 | 12:29 pm

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Basic food basket products with lower prices, according to Pro Consumidor

Basic food basket products. External source

The executive director of the National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro Consumidor) affirmed that most of the products of the basic food basket have remained stable. Others have experienced decreases in their prices since the application of the zero rates, the intervention in government subsidies, and the signing of the “Pact for Fair Prices” agreement.

Eddy Alcantara said that the measurements of the last four weeks have reflected that the fluctuating products have remained stable. Others have decreased between 0.4% and 16.22% in grocery stores, markets, supermarkets, and warehouses.

He assured that of the total of products measured, which constitute a large part of the basic food basket, the 26 in the urban zone and the 17 in the rural zone, “the impact of these measures taken by the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, has been felt.”

Alcántara also stated that a list was sent to the media with the names of the products and establishments where prices were checked, “whose reduction in most of them and stability in others has been thanks to the measures taken by the President.”

Among the products of the basic food basket that have registered a decrease in prices are freshly processed chicken, which has dropped to RD$5.25, equivalent to 6.50 %, and eggs, which have dropped between RD$0.61 and RD$1.67, for a reduction of 0.70 %.

Likewise, bananas from Barahona registered a reduction of RD$0.37, equivalent to 1.94 %, while beans reduced their prices between RD$0.26 and RD$0.58, equivalent to 0.93 %, and rice decreased by RD$0.12, which represents 0.04 %.

Other products in the food basket that have decreased are margarine, powdered milk, sweet potato, sardine, salt, olive oil, white sugar, yucca, spaghetti, yellow cheese, cream sugar, oatmeal, oil, liquid milk, salami, and eggplant.

The official called on the public to follow the reports and bulletins published in the Dominican Price Information System (SIDIP2.0) “so that they can be oriented on the fluctuation of the fundamental products of the basic food basket, as well as the establishments that commercialize them.”

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