Local July 29, 2016 | 8:36 am

Agents bust drug ring, seize 335.7k, arrest 8

Santo Domingo.- Eight members of an alleged drugtrafficking ring busted by Antinarcotics (DNCD) at the end of June, trying tosmuggle 335.7 kilos of heroin to Europe through Caucedo Port were sent to LaVictoria prison for three months to await trial, by Santo Domingo province judgeMary Ramirez.

Among the accused figure six of the port workers arrested bythe DNCD, while two others were arrested on at the spot with the drug on June29. The network reportedly ships drugs to Europe and the United States throughCaucedo.

Those two members of the alleged ring were arrested with 324bricks of the drug, weighing 335.7 kilos of cocaine hidden in a Kenworth truck.

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