Local November 21, 2016 | 9:50 am

Few countries want Dominican visitors

Santo Domingo.- It seems the entire worldwants to visit Dominican territory, but Dominicans aren’t welcome in mostnations, according to a study on travel restrictions worldwide.

The Dominican Republic is among the countrieswhose citizens face the toughest restrictions to travel abroad, because comparedwith the passports of 104 nations, the Dominican document ranks among the"worst" At 83rd.

The list by Henley & Partners counts thenumber of countries whose citizens can travel without a visa and the Dominicanscan only go to 54 out of a total of 218 nations available, or below Indonesia,Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo, but above India, China and Haiti.

"This means that we Dominicans are amongthe human beings that have more procedures to carry out to travel abroad,"the study says, quoted by diariolibre.com.

It’s worth noting that the "best andworst passport" rank doesn’t refer directly to the quality of the document,rather to the need or not for paperwork by nationalities, or less hindrance to travel.

In Latin America, only Haiti faces greatertravel restrictions than the Dominican Republic.

Germans face the least travel hurdles, followedby the Swedes, Finns French, Italian, Spaniards and Brits.

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