Local February 18, 2021 | 7:29 am

Dominican Republic Gov. corruption: US$31.0M without a bid

T. Montas.

Santo Domingo.- The Industry and Commerce Ministry (MICM), during Temístocles Montás’ tenure, signed a lease with the Reservas Bank, with the option to purchase the building where that organization currently operates, for US$31.0 million (RD$1.5 billion) without a bidding, Diario Libre reports.

The contract was signed by Montás, Reservas Bank administrator, Simón Lizardo, and the deputy administrator of Government Businesses, José Manuel Guzmán Ibarra, on January 24, 2017 and will be valid until December 31, 2036. The MICM pays a monthly fee of RD$24.0 million for the property.

Consulted the portal of the General Directorate of Purchasing and Contracting (DGCP), for the date of the negotiation, it does not register any tender for the acquisition of real estate by the MICM, an operation that had to go through this process, taking into account the amount of the investment.

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