Local October 9, 2023 | 11:56 am

Explosion in the Jacobo Majluta apartment leaves a woman injured and destroyed

Santo Domingo.- An incident involving what appears to be a gas buildup inside an apartment in Residencial Bienaventuranzas Norte, located in the Santo Domingo Norte municipality, resulted in minor burns, bruises to a woman, extensive property damage, and a great deal of panic among residents.

The incident occurred at approximately 5:00 in the morning when Simona de Los Santos, a teacher residing in apartment 101 of building 2 in block A, woke up to prepare breakfast.

According to Diógenes Amparo, who was in one of the rooms of the apartment at the time of the incident, “I was sleeping; my wife got up to make breakfast, opened the refrigerator door, and the refrigerator exploded. I didn’t notice anything else.”

The explosion was of such magnitude that it caused all the doors of the apartment, along with the windows and metal railings of the front balcony, to collapse. This resulted in shattered glass and dents in three parked vehicles. The refrigerator and other household items were also destroyed in the blast, causing some damage to adjoining apartments.

The incident triggered a significant scare among neighbors and prompted the Santo Domingo Norte Fire Department to respond promptly. They have initiated an investigation to ascertain the root causes of the incident.

Fortunately, Simona de Los Santos suffered only minor injuries and was transported to a health center by a unit of the National Emergency and Security Assistance System 911.

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