People June 9, 2016 | 8:50 am

AES Dominicana celebrates AES Global Safety Day

Santo Domingo.- Each year the multinational AES and itssubsidiaries around the world, dedicate a space to celebrate and strengthen itsbeliefs and culture on safety, as the first corporate value.

Be a Hero in Safety has been proposed as the slogan for SafetyDay 2016, to stress on each AES person and contractor, they don’t need to be aSuper Hero, to ensure their safety, their colleagues and their families. Byfollowing the basic procedures and tools available security, they are doing thework of a hero.

At this meeting, a talk was given prevention to naturaldisasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, where he was given to eachemployee a well-equipped with the skills to survive in an unplanned adversity witha backpack of tools. It contained a radio, first aid kit, flashlight, food,tent among other useful items.

The gathering was also an opportunity to recognize The SafestEmployees, because in this business, we’re convinced that the only way tosucceed is if everyone participates and assume their commitment to safety.

AES Dominicana

The group AES Dominicana contributes around 40% of theenergy required by the national grid via the power plants; Dominican PowerPartners (DPP), AES Andres and the Electricity Generating Company ITABO S.A.

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