World June 12, 2024 | 10:20 am

International support crucial for new Haitian Government to resolve crisis

A demonstrator holds up an Haitian flag during protests demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Friday, March 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Odelyn Joseph)

Haiti.- The formation of a new government in Haiti, announced on Tuesday, has been met with skepticism regarding its ability to ensure stability and security, according to some sectors.

Pelegrín Castillo, vice president of the National Progressive Force, stated that without the intervention of international forces, Haiti will not overcome its ongoing crisis. He emphasized that the new government alone cannot resolve the deep-rooted issues plaguing the nation.

While the appointment of Prime Minister Garry Conille and his cabinet brings a glimmer of hope, Castillo expressed concerns that unless Kenya expedites and increases the deployment of police officers for a multinational mission to address the security crisis, criminal gangs will overpower the new authorities.

Castillo acknowledged the competence of the new cabinet members, including Dominique Dupuy as Minister of Foreign Affairs. However, he warned of a plan that threatens to entrap Haiti in violence.

New Authorities and Their Challenges

Haiti is preparing for the official inauguration of Garry Conille as the new prime minister, along with his cabinet, an event scheduled for Wednesday. This marks a significant step in the country’s transitional phase.

The government’s installation coincides with the publication of the official appointment decree for Conille’s cabinet in the official newspaper, Le Moniteur. As head of government, Conille will also oversee the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities, a crucial role given the widespread violence inflicted by armed gangs controlling 80% of the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.

Haiti eagerly anticipates the deployment of a multinational security support mission led by Kenya, which has received approval from the UN.

Key Members of Garry Conille’s Cabinet

  • Carlos Hércule: Minister of Justice and Public Security
  • Dominique Dupuy: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs, and Minister for Haitians Residents Abroad
  • Ketleen Florestal: Minister of Economy and Finance
  • Jean Marc Berthier: Minister of Defense

The new cabinet, consisting of 14 members (with some holding dual portfolios), will officially assume office at the Villa d’Accueil facilities in the capital, managing a total of 18 ministries.

Haiti’s Struggle

Haiti, the poorest country in the Americas, is enduring a severe economic and sociopolitical crisis. The new government’s success hinges on addressing these profound challenges, with international support deemed crucial for any substantial progress.

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Alberto Gomez
June 12, 2024 10:31 am

A foreign alien species of humans that don’t belong on a beautiful island paradise, they should be sent back by the boat load back to their homeland Africa before the whole island becomes a desert with no life left on it . I am for sure if the whole island was in their (Haitians)full control , it would have been a desert already.

June 12, 2024 12:49 pm

The elephant in the room…no election…

June 12, 2024 1:12 pm
Reply to  Alfredo

It’s difficult to hold an election in the middle of a war.

June 12, 2024 1:11 pm

Doomed to failure….a POLICE force with rules will not succeed against a heavily armed, violent gang. They need the MILITARY with minimal rules to gain control. Unfortunately, such a force will alienate the population and the violence will continue. If the Haitians don’t decide (by themselves) to fix the problem, it will continue for another 100 years.