World July 4, 2024 | 1:28 pm

UNCTAD endorses Pro Consumer declaration for cross-border trade protection

Geneva, Switzerland.- Representatives from various countries endorsed the Dominican Republic’s Declaration on resolving cross-border conflicts and compensating consumers at the eighth session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Law and Policies of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Presented by Eddy Alcántara, Executive Director of Pro Consumidor and President of the Ibero-American Forum of Government Agencies for Consumer Protection (FIAGC), the initiative received strong support from Ibero-American countries and aims to protect consumers in cross-border trade across all UN member nations.

Supported by over twenty nations, including the US, UK, France, Germany, Costa Rica, and various Arab League members, the Declaration urges UNCTAD member states to establish mechanisms for conflict resolution and compensation in cross-border cases. It calls for international cooperation and information sharing, and encourages consumer associations and businesses to participate in developing and supporting these mechanisms. UNCTAD is also called upon to prepare a proposal for implementation, to be presented at the 9th Ministerial Conference on Consumer Policy Review next year.

Alcántara emphasized the need for new tools to optimize consumer protection through institutional strengthening and enhanced impact, highlighting the significant growth of international trade, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the approval of this proposal, the Dominican Republic becomes the first Latin American country to achieve a declaration aimed at laying the foundation for consumer protection in global trade transitions.

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