Local January 23, 2024 | 2:08 pm

Pro Consumidor to monitor and regulate sale of dangerous pesticides

Santo Domingo.- The National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro Consumidor) declared on Tuesday its commitment to monitoring and regulating the retail sale of widely used, “highly dangerous” pesticides. This decision comes in the aftermath of a tragic incident last Sunday in the Piantini sector of the capital, where a woman and her two-month-old baby died following an apartment fumigation.

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Eddy Alcántara, the executive director of Pro Consumidor, disclosed that an investigation conducted by the institution in various establishments in Greater Santo Domingo, San Cristóbal, and Santiago revealed that these pesticides are sold “without any type of control.” To address this issue, a surveillance mechanism will be implemented to ensure responsible sales and proper use of these products.

Alcántara emphasized the intention to enforce measures and decisions taken by the Ministry of Agriculture, the entity responsible for authorizing the import and marketing of these agricultural, urban, and school pesticides. Following the verification that aluminum phosphide was the cause of the tragic incident, Pro Consumidor will establish conditional restrictive mechanisms to regulate its marketing and ensure responsible handling by experts.

The official affirmed the commitment to faithfully implement measures related to the traceability and use of pesticides, including aluminum phosphide, methyl bromide, zinc phosphorus, and magnesium phosphorus. The surveillance efforts will be continuous to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies that have deeply impacted Dominican society.

Pro Consumidor has already identified businesses with significant sales of these products, subjecting them to strict surveillance to comply with measures taken by the Ministry of Agriculture. Alcántara assured that the institution’s vigilance would guarantee that the marketing and use of such products adhere to appropriate measures, similar to the approach taken with the use of “devil’s acid.”

It is noteworthy that the government, through the Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos, announced a temporary prohibition on the import of the chemical used in the fatal fumigation incident in the Piantini sector.

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Paul Tierney
January 24, 2024 10:21 am

Is Pro Consumidor up to this new task? What will happen is a black market of back door sales for risky pesticides will be started to avoid the eyes of Pro Consumidor.

Good luck Pro Consumidor!

Ahmad Mahdavi
January 28, 2024 4:21 am

Dangerous pesticides, commonly known as HHPs, are causing significant harm to people, the environment, and wildlife. These toxic chemicals can pollute water sources, soil, and air, posing a grave threat to human health and ecosystem balance. Finding safer and more sustainable alternatives to HHPs is crucial for protecting the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants.The use of HHPs has been linked to various health issues, including respiratory problems, reproductive disorders, and even cancer. Additionally, these pesticides have been found to disrupt the natural habitat of many species, leading to a decline in biodiversity. It is imperative that we prioritize the phasing out of HHPs and promote the adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives in agriculture and pest control.