More than 26% of the Dominican vehicle fleet has not renewed the tag

There are only 7 days left to end the deadline to renew the tag without penalties
According to data from the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII), 1,389,938 vehicles already have the tag, representing 73.4% of those eligible to obtain it.
The renewal period for the 2024-2025 marble began on October 22, 2024, for 1,893,024 vehicles. The DGII estimates that collections will reach 3,137,673,000 pesos during this process. Drivers have until January 31 to renew the tag.
The DGII informed Diario Libre that, through the internet, 155,095 marbetes had been dispatched for a collection of 283,524,000 pesos.
Barely 11% of the vehicle fleet has renewed the tag in the Dominican Republic.
On the other hand, in the DGII points, 39,396 Vehicle Circulation Taxes were renewed, registering a collection of 88,527,000 pesos.
The DGII informed Diario Libre that, as of Friday afternoon, the financial entities had renewed 1,195,447 for a collection of 1,956,583,500. 1,389,938 marbetes have been renewed for a total collection of 2,328,634,500 pesos.
Cost of tag
The cost of the tag remains unchanged concerning the previous period:
1,500 pesos for vehicles manufactured until 2019.
3,000 pesos for cars manufactured in 2020 and after.
The renewal will be available through 49 financial entities with 859 branches nationwide and at the DGII collection points in Villa Vásquez, Montecristi, and Sánchez, Samaná until January 31, 31025.
For the renewal, it is necessary to have an updated and legible photocopy of the vehicle registration and a copy of the identity and electoral card.
Penalty amounts
The amounts for penalties for non-renewal during the established term are as follows:
2,000 pesos for vehicles that do not renew before January 312025.
2,100 for cars that did not renew the tag 2023-2024.
3,100 for vehicles that did not renew the 2022-2023 tag and previous years.
So?, thats the ones that bothered tp get tags in the first place. They cant even stop at a red light FFS. Check for a drivers liscense, from the looks of it on the street, nobody has ever passed the test to get one.
I got mine….. It’s the law and should be followed as well as enforced. BTW…how about all of those dangerous mini-motorcycles that put the public at risk every day.