• Air Century maintains three weekly flights between Havana and SD in May

    Tourism May 4, 2022 | 5:42 pm

    The Cuban Airport and Airport Services Company ( ECASA ) updated on its official channels the flight schedule of various airlines that connect Cuba from [...]
  • Banks: be wary when using the Web

    Local April 29, 2022 | 8:45 am

    Santo Domingo.- The Association of Multiple Banks of the Dominican Republic (ABA) called on users and the general public to maintain healthy habits when browsing the internet and using digital tools, [...]
  • Dengue remains within expected parameters

    Local April 28, 2022 | 2:35 pm

    Santo Domingo, DR
     Although the country registers a significant increase in den[...]
  • Bank savings grew 17.3% in 2021

    Economy April 20, 2022 | 2:51 pm

    Total savings of Dominicans in the financial intermediation entities supervised by the Superintendency of Banks (SB) amounted to RD$2.1 trillion at the close of 2021, equivalent to close to 40% of nom[...]
  • Easter 2022 was the deadliest in the last decade

    Local April 19, 2022 | 3:00 pm

    The Easter Week 2022 holiday ended with 34 deaths, 25 of them due to traffic accidents and nine due to drowning, according to the Emergency Operations Center (COE). The director of the COE, Juan Ma[...]
  • Ivermectin effective against scabies

    Local April 19, 2022 | 12:06 pm

    Santo Domingo, DR In the last two years, the use of Ivermectin against Covid-19 has been the subject of debate among health specialists, some who defend its efficacy against the coronavirus and other[...]
  • Are Caribbean citizenship schemes at an end?

    Opinion April 18, 2022 | 6:58 pm

    A passport denotes citizenship, belonging, certain rights, and residence for most. For others, especially the world’s wealthy, obtaining a ‘stronger’ additional passport than the one provided[...]
  • Manufacturing fell 1.8 in Feb.; Industries

    Economy March 28, 2022 | 10:55 am

    Santo Domingo.- The Monthly Index of Manufacturing Activity (IMAM) of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD) fell 1.8 in February, going from 64.6 in January to 62.8, showing d[...]
  • Interest in getting vaccinated is minimal in DN, empty centers

    Local March 15, 2022 | 4:36 pm

    Since President Luis Abinader announced that all restrictive measures for covid-19 were suspended, including the requirement to present the vaccination card, the demand for immunizations has plummeted[...]
  • Haitians harvest sugarcane with false ID cards

    Local March 11, 2022 | 1:42 pm

    Santo Domingo, DR When he returned to the country last year, a Dominican resident in Switzerland was detained at the airport without knowing why he was being arrested. He was detained for two days[...]
  • Carnival, circus, music and theater

    Local March 3, 2022 | 2:00 pm

    This first weekend of March presents a varied entertainment billboard in different scenarios, including the National Carnival Parade next Sunday, March 6, on the Malecón in Santo Dom[...]
  • Thriving in the new reality

    Business & Pleasure February 27, 2022 | 8:44 am

      Lucía Muñoz Human Capital Leader Deloitte Spanish Latin America From an organizational point of view, the response to the pandemic impacted the different dimensions of the company, lik[...]
  • Remittances dip but reach US$759.3M

    Economy February 15, 2022 | 8:23 am

    Santo Domingo.- The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD) reported that in January 2022 the remittances received reached US$759.3 million, which compared to 2021 represents a slight year-on-ye[...]
  • Public Health Fri.: 4 deaths; 1,101 new cases

    Health February 4, 2022 | 11:36 am

    Santo Domingo. – The Ministry of Public Health reported this Friday four deaths from Covid-19 and reported 1,101 new cases. According to bulletin number 687, the total number of deaths is 4,319 w[...]
  • Delta Variant: Public Health alert still present

    Health January 27, 2022 | 4:17 pm

    Although the omicron variant is the predominant one in circulation in the Dominican Republic, health authorities recommend the population be aware of the presence of the Delta variant. The director[...]
  • Justice must ‘set an example’ with abuser

    Local January 20, 2022 | 8:04 am

    Santo Domingo.- The Justice Ministry of Peravia province is committed to setting an example with Alexis Villalona (The abuser of Baní) so that this case of violence against women does not go unpunish[...]
  • Real estate giant Cap Cana resurges in the East

    Tourism January 18, 2022 | 8:27 am

    Madrid.- Cap Cana Ciudad Destino announced Wed. that it will be present at the International Tourism Fair (Fitur), with an important participation within the Dominican Republic stand in support of the[...]
  • The humpbacks are back again

    Uncategorized January 12, 2022 | 9:35 am

    Santo Domingo.- The Bay of Samaná and its surrounding waters, and in particular the Sanctuary of Marine Mammals, the  Silver and Christmas Banks, onece again become one of the most impressive specta[...]
  • Fuel prices increase between RD $ 1.50 and RD $ 4.00

    Economy January 10, 2022 | 2:30 pm

    The price of all fuels for the second week of January 2022 will suffer increases of between RD$1.50 and RD$4, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Mipymes (MICM) announced Friday. For the week o[...]
  • Taxman’s fines and penalties jumped 301.3% in 2021

    Economy January 6, 2022 | 9:34 am

    Santo Domingo.- The collections of the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) for fines and penalties to taxpayers jumped 301.3% in 2021 compared to 2020, a year in which the entity applied a se[...]